The Daily Star | WebMax Digital

The Daily Star

Crowd-sourced storytelling to engage youth celebrating The Daily Star's silver jubilee



Over past 25 years, The Daily Star (TDS) has established itself as one of the most credible English newspapers in Bangladesh, updating us 24/7 with breaking, political, business, entertainment, sports, lifestyle or crime news. In 2016, TDS wanted to solidify their presence among the millennials – the rising young crowd. This required repositioning the brand to connect with the younger, more tech-savvy generation.

TDS have followed through with journalism without fear or favour for quarter of a century and now the challenge was to take the young tide along and engage millennials to “Join the Journey”. With that in mind, WebMax combined journalism and the spirit of youth to design an online campaign, aligned perfectly to celebrate The Daily Star’s 25th anniversary.





We joined forces with TDS and reached out to young storytellers across the nation to #JoinTheJourney through a crowdsourced storytelling platform. The campaign was based on a microsite where anyone could register to submit their stories using text and images. We invited millennials and social media influencers to share stories of heroic actions which inspired them.



Youngsters from all over Bangladesh submitted their stories. After submission, people shared stories with their communities on social media. Then their friends and well-wishers voted the best stories to garner support. Top 25 stories were handpicked. These storytellers joined the gala event with TDS on their 25th-anniversary celebration.

This campaign targeted active youth on social media, primarily on Facebook. We targeted youth between 18 to 26 to submit stories. Also, we targeted people between 18 to 40 to read, vote and share stories with respective calls to action. Social media influencers were engaged to elevate the impact of the campaign.

In order to bring initial traction to the campaign, we composed and shared stories of initiatives by TDS on the microsite. To provide further mileage to boost the campaign, we involved social influencers and got them to post their stories on #JoinTheJourney site and share it with their community. As it turned out, many people from the urban young crowd picked up on the CTA and dropped in stories of their own personal heroes. In order to acknowledge the participants, the top voted stories were re-posted from TDS Facebook page during the campaign.


This campaign not only helped The Daily Star to connect with the millennials, but also celebrated achievements of youth by recognizing them in front of a vibrant audience of influential people in Bangladesh. It helped communicate TDS’s commitment towards the youth of Bangladesh.

This one-week campaign received 5.5 million social impressions reaching 1 million people online with 1,20,000+ site visits, 58 submissions and 464 votes. Campaign stories about brave initiatives which not only made a difference but also inspired readers to join The Daily Star’s journey to becoming a newspaper which also caters to the millennials.

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