Projonmo Agami: 2.1 M Youth engaged for positive social transformation | WebMax Digital

Projonmo Agami

2.1 M Youth engaged for positive social transformation



In Bangladesh, around 2 million youth enter the labor market every year, yet a large number of them are unemployed. Up to 60% of the youth in developing regions are neither working nor in school. Unemployment has led to increased crimes, depression, and social unrest over the years. Acts of terrorism, suicide attempts, discrimination are all mere symptoms of a more deeply rooted social problem. A strong and productive young population is instrumental in any social transformation. The horrifying Holey Artisan terrorist attack of 2016, stands as a testimony to how easy it is to have a generation derailed.



The Holey Artisan incident had the integrity of an entire generation questioned. Social media was flooded with criticism of the youth and concern for a young generation who could be brainwashed into becoming terrorists in a span of six months!

Projonmo Agami, primarily a TV show targeted towards the youth, was launched in digital media for the first time in 2016 to reach out to the millennials and tech-savvy generation on Youtube and Facebook. Projonmo Agami 2016 season, a proactive initiative, expressed concerns for chaos that could happen if youth chose wrong paths and aimed to demonstrate that there was still hope for this generation by bringing a derailed generation back on the right path.




The show focused on contemporary issues faced by the young people and featured role models, musicians and inspiring personalities who advocate a positive change. Our objective was to create a buzz about the show in digital media so that more young people resonate with and watch the show on TV and on our Youtube channel.



Given this was Projonmo Agami’s first digital campaign, effective audience engagement was the first step. We targeted specifically youth aged 18-30 year old, driving traffic to Projonmo Agami’s YouTube channel from Facebook (organic & paid), Twitter and Google display network.

We started off with sharing static posts on social media using click to action organic posts and ads (on Facebook) to drive traffic to our YouTube channel. We posted show promos and clips to entice the audience initially. Eventually, after looking at the view through rates and traffic conversions on YouTube, we started posting full shows on our Facebook page (in segments) – Resulting in exponential increase in views of our show (we also posted the videos on YouTube).

Our community management team kept driving conversations on our Facebook page – Getting youth opinions on relevant subjects. We did not stop there. Seeing the overwhelming response we got from youth across Bangladesh, we decided to take this campaign to a new level: We invited the youth to join us for a gala event to celebrate creativity and progress. The event was attended by 2,000+ youth in BICC, Dhaka.  

We created a landing page where audience could sign up to attend our event “Celebrating Projonmo Agami”. We promoted the landing page with Facebook ads. Landing page displayed list of speakers, venue, registration and all event details. Visitors could also browse through and watch all our YouTube videos on the microsite.

As part of influencing strategy, success stories of inspiring youth icons were featured on our digital channels. We managed 16 youth icons from diverse backgrounds to inspire young people every week. All guests and influencers shared our promotional contents and shows with their communities – helping Projonmo Agami reach new audiences every week. Some of the featured personalities were:

  • Preema Nazia Andaleeb
  • Shykh Seraj
  • Naveed Mahbub
  • Ayman Sadiq
  • Salman Muqtadir
  • Minar Rahman
  • G. Sumdany Don

The main challenge was getting people out of Facebook and into participating in a campaign that has no material incentive in return upon participation. This was overcome just through the sheer power of stories of youth icons used as content and targeting the right audience.


Projonmo Agami received overwhelming responses in the form of reactions, comments and shares. It received 2.1 million engagements and 1 million clicks from 5.1 million Bangladeshi youths on Facebook (21% of all Facebook users in Bangladesh were engaged in this campaign). 

Our videos on Facebook have 2m+ views. 2,000+ people signed up for the event. Influencers were engaged generating an organic reach of 1 million youth.

Our YouTube channel has over 650,000+ minutes of videos watched, with 300,000+ views with an average view rate of 2:11 minutes.


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