Best burger in town | Sales Acceleration & Social Media Marketing Case by WebMax Digital


Reviews, WOM & Best The Burger in Town


We met Preetom’s management during the ‘What’s the best burger in town?’ fad in Dhaka. Burgers were all the rage and Preetom was our favorite! So we wanted to justify why Preetom’s was the best burger in town. How? Reviews speak louder than ads!



Preetom’s Facebook page had a rating of 4.0 (out of 5.0) with 41 reviews. We invited people to rate Preetom’s burger on their Facebook Review tab. We offered 10% discount on all meals for a written review and 20% off for video reviews for a month.

Media Planning:

We created a Facebook offer and limited it to our target number of reviews — 250. We promoted ads to 18 – 24-year-olds who love burgers and discounts.

Content Strategy:

The campaign was targeted to foodies, youthful audience and the glory of burgers. We took mouthwatering photos of the flagship burger and built content around it. We created a series of product contents to communicate the offer. Images were aided with bright colors and playful typography. We also created engagement contents about the anatomy of a burger and talked about how and where the best burgers are made. We shared user generated contents and invited people to share the love, and they did! Overall, it was a delicious ordeal.


We received 305 written reviews and 5 video reviews. Average rating of the page went up to 4.5 (from 4.0) with 346 reviews on their Facebook page. The sales of Preetom burgers skyrocketed; their sales increased by 200%. It was always packed. The increase in demand sustained over time and Preetom had to double their floor space two months later.

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