Acquiring 235 child sponsors for JAAGO Foundation | Media Planning & Buying Case by WebMax Digital

JAAGO Foundation

Acquiring 235 donors through game-changing media planning


JAAGO Foundation schools provide quality education to underprivileged children in Bangladesh; free-of-cost. Individuals could sponsor a child’s education for BDT 1,500 per month (USD 20). Since its inception in 2007 till September 2013, JAAGO Foundation had accumulated 550 sponsors. But their schools already had 1,400 children. The children were in dire need of sponsors. So we took up the challenge to raise two hundred child sponsors in two months.

Media Planning & Buying Case Study by WebMax Digital - Acquiring 235 donors through game-changing media planning



We built a microsite (landing page) in JAAGO’s website with ‘Sponsor A Child’ overview, a video, FAQs and payment details. We created a two-tier sign-up funnel with payment integration; The first tier of the sign-up process was designed to attract potential sponsors (who are interested but are not decided yet) and the second tier was built exclusively for visitors to complete the entire sponsorship process.

JAAGO FOUNDATION sponsor a child campaign

Media Planning:

The first problem we identified was that 90% of JAAGO’s Facebook followers were below the age of 24; thus couldn’t afford to sponsor a child even if they wanted to. Therefore, we targeted three audience groups, Bangladeshi professionals above 24, with customized copies through Facebook Ads. We tracked response rates and still found them disappointing. The campaign, however, was driving organic traffic from Facebook (without converting visitors).

WebMax has done an outstanding job in helping JAAGO kids secure 235 child sponsors in a span of 2 months! They have a fresh, systematic, data-driven approach to digital marketing that strengthened JAAGO Foundation’s positioning as an education institution. – Korvi Rakshand (Chairman, JAAGO Foundation)

So we changed things and identified top 10 cities populated by Bangladeshis who resided abroad. We geo-targeted Bangladeshis living in the US, UK, Australia and the Middle East (with multiple ad-sets) with an interest in philanthropy, charity, etc. We A/B tested the ads and optimized budget for highest converting groups. We used G&R (a local ad network) to reach NRBs browsing Bangladeshi websites.

We saved cookies, installed pixels to track conversions and retargeted ads to the interested audience with customized communications based on their geography and stage in the sign-up funnel.

Content Strategy:

We received celebrity endorsements for the program and got customized photos for the campaign from JAAGO Foundation team. Three videos were also provided with emotional messages (see example below).We posted content across social media in 2 categories: Product and Engagement. Product contents promoted the program with clear Call To Action (CTA). Engagement contents drove conversations about education in Bangladesh, underprivileged children and emotional elements associated with JAAGO Foundation through storytelling.

All content on the landing page was catered to a very global audience (and search engine optimized), but Facebook ads targeting Bangladeshis were in Bangla. We also tested various combinations of videos and images on the landing page to find what worked best. Few contents in this campaign ended up going viral.



Media Planning & Buying Case Study by WebMax Digital - Acquiring 235 donors through game-changing media planning

8.6M impressions were served to 6.2M people in Bangladesh, USA, UK, Australia and the Middle East. The campaign acquired 487 qualified leads and 235 child sponsors; the equivalent of BDT 42M annual sponsorship to educate underprivileged children in Bangladesh.

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