Deutsche Welle & Jadoo Digital: Engaging youth through a clutter breaking contest | WebMax Digital

Deutsche Welle & Jadoo Digital

Engaging youth through a clutter breaking contest



Deutsche Welle is a popular German channel concentrating on news and entertainment. In a country, where the Star network has encapsulated the audience on an everyday life, DW a German channel wanted to penetrate to increase their viewership and establish themselves as a brand in Bangladesh. DW had already collaborated with Jadoo Digital as their premier cable partner and had access to their 5000 subscribers.



DW was accessible to all Jadoo network users (5000 users, then). Our objective was to familiarize youth with the name “DW” while our biggest challenge was taking this campaign beyond these 5000 viewers to engage broader audience effectively.  




We took a “mobile first” approach to familiarizing the brand name DW with young Bengali viewers, we launched a “Watch & Win Contest.” The contest required the audience to know and answer very basic questions regarding DW. The audience who answered correctly over a span of 4 weeks received gifts ranging from iPods, headsets, and DW official caps.



We created a web application, fully optimized and responsive for both mobile and desktop users for the Watch & Win Contest. Audience could visit the link, and play the quiz easily from their devices, hasslefree. The questions were updated every week ensuring returning audience for four consecutive weeks.

The web app was optimized for all screen sizes. Our user interface was not only user friendly but also fast with a load time, less than 3 seconds. We also put up banner advertisements in all local websites redirecting the traffic towards our web application. Due to our real time update through social media channels, we were able to retain an increasing number of returning visitors.

Besides the web app, we also accepted answers through comments on our weekly posts published on Jadoo’s Facebook, Twitter & Instagram (mobile based) pages.

The biggest hack: To take DW beyond Jadoo’s subscriber base, we broadcasted the channel programs through Facebook Live to capture users on mobile.  The videos allowed extended audience base to find answers and participate in the contest conveniently. The contest was promoted through 4 social media channels and through online banner advertising on local websites. The campaign received extensive PR coverage by online publishers.


The campaign’s success is apparent in its impact: We received 22,000+ unique visitors on our landing page (95% mobile web traffic). Our Facebook activity generated 19,000+ link clicks and 156,000+ post engagements to create brand awareness. 

The quiz was particularly popular among the 18-24 demographic (youth, as briefed) which accounted for 92.9% of the engaged audience. By the end of the campaign, DW received 3,500+ shares on Facebook and 7,000+ total number of submissions (far exceeding Jadoo subscribers).

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