Driving app downloads with A/B testing | Media Planning & Buying Case by WebMax Digital


Driving app downloads with A/B testing


Champs21 had a simple agenda in February 2014: Drive downloads of its flagship app ‘Spell Champs’. The challenge was to minimize cost per user acquisition with a very limited budget. Thus our digital media planning and buying game had to be top-notch.



Champ21’s play store page (Android) was the destination of the campaign. We only placed ads on mobile devices.

Media Planning:

We started with targeting kids between the ages of 13 – 17 on Facebook, with not so flattering results. It didn’t take long enough to figure out what went wrong. We conducted a quick study with kids and parents, then changed our approach. We then targeted parents instead. CTR (Click Through Rate) among parents was three times than that of children and CPC (Cost Per Click) was half of that of the previous targeting.

Content Strategy:

We received a few creatives from Champs21 team and created multiple versions of the same design (changed color scheme and size for banner ads). We tested out visuals and CTAs (Call To Action) to optimize the budget accordingly.


We drove 2,600+ downloads of the app within 30 days and came to a conclusion that kids aren’t as much interested in becoming smarter (by downloading this app) as much as their parents want them to be. 268K people were reached, with 837K impressions were served and 19K clicks were generated. Cost Per Acquisition (CPA) or download was USD .70 (CPA).

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