ACI Pure Spice: Holding a deep appreciation for the selfless effort homemakers in Bangladesh | WebMax Digital

ACI Pure Spice

A recipe contest, made with love celebrating home-makers across Bangladesh



Every year during Eid, home cooks across Bangladesh spend countless hours preparing the best dishes for their loved ones. Recipes passed down from forefathers and the efforts spanning several generations boil down to a humble serving on our plates and an innate satisfaction from food cooked with love.

More often than not, our appreciation ends up in a hashtag and an Instagram upload. As the likes and comments pour in, the home cook’s Eid ends with some peace of mind.

Being a new entrant in a competitive category, ACI Pure Spices holds a deep appreciation for the selfless effort homemakers in Bangladesh put into their recipes, and aspired to make their Eid-ul Adha more meaningful.

As a spice brand embarked to discover the perfect recipe for Eid happiness, we discovered that for the humble home cook, the secret ingredient was to share the joy of their food with as many people as possible. Our insight was food tastes better when shared with others.


Conceptualize a campaign designed to show meaningful appreciation to many home cooks by multiplying the happiness they create with recipes.




Based on the insight “food tastes better when shared with others”, we created a recipe contest for the home cooks in Facebook with a twist. Instead of giving any gifts to the participants, ACI Pure Spices rewarded the home cooks by serving their recipes to hundreds of underprivileged children – thus, spreading the happiness that homemakers create with their recipes with people who will appreciate them for it for the rest of their lives.


ACI Pure Spices staged an unprecedented digital integrated campaign by crowdsourcing, curation, preparing and serving the best Eid recipes for underprivileged children in Netrokona. ONE Facebook post was designed and uploaded from the ACI Pure Spices page asking for participants to submit their best recipes in the comments section. 

Content Copy: আপনার একটি রেসিপি ফোটাবে অনেক হাসি

It was then targeted across digital channels to reach home cooks to create a hype around the campaign by attracting as many submissions as possible. After running the campaign for 5 days, it finally drew to a close.

Campaign planners and executives from the client team had an unusually high appetite for the next few days as they scoured over hundreds to recipes to find the best ones to prepare for the underprivileged children.

The effort and sleepless nights paid off as the smiles lit up for the inhabitants at a madrasa in Netrokona and for the awardees in the contest as they were overjoyed to learn about their award from participating in the recipe contest.

Since ACI Pure Spice’s objective was to share the appreciation with as many home cooks as possible, a non-promotional documentary was prepared in a short time span and shared with the 269 participants of the contest and promoted online to targeted homemakers.


The post generated 46,000+ engagements. It was shared 192 times. The post-campaign video received 200,000+ views and 174 shares. 90% activities were generated within brand’s core TG.

At the end, ACI Pure Spice had successfully engaged with and showed its appreciation for 1.3 million home cooks after having curated over 269 recipes. ACI Pure Spices believes that the campaign inspired 1.3 million smiles every time home cooks enter their kitchen, crack open their recipe books and perform this timeless act of love and compassion. Our objective to establish ACI Pure Spices as a brand that appreciates home cooks was successful.


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